
It's in our blood

4Synths is run by father and son, two generations of pure synthesizer passion working together in The Netherlands.

Robin de Geus

Whilst running his own creative studio Robin's passion for aesthetics and design meant synthesizers have always been a part of his life. Starting out creating sounds and music in his home studio his hobby developed into an opportunity where he could compose scores for marketing purposes and unleash the full potential of modular synthesizers.

Hans de Geus

Hans takes care of the operational side, making sure you receive your modules, in top condition by dispatching parcels, is one of his dailies. When he has a bit of spare time he is exploring different desktop synthesizers and finding out the latest about module releases.

Boutique Synthesizers

We've set out to work only with the best in class, buying from 4Synths guarantees that you buy from the best brands in the industry. We're backed up by official dealerships from these boutique manufacturers meaning you can rest assured that your module is the real deal and comes with the original warranty.
Bastl Instruments

“Bastl Instruments actively takes part in the contemporary music scene by developing future-proof musical instruments and catalyzing change in the ecosystems we find ourselves in. ”

— Bastl Instruments
Mutable Instruments

“Mutable Instruments has been discontinued since 2022 but left an everlasting mark in the industry.”

— Mutable Instruments
Erica Synths

“Erica Synths team of visionaries, engineers and musicians have been working hard to bring you modules and instruments that will set your modular system apart from mass in terms of how it sounds, looks and functions. ”

— Erica Synths
Cosmotronic Space Supplies

“The Hague based Cosmotronic Space Supplies creates small batch based, boutique synthesizer modules.”

— Cosmotronic Space Supplies

Questions? We're here to help!

4Synths B.V.
Groenveld 8 
5768 GV, Meijel
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0) 6 345 698 53
Email: info (at) 4synths.com

All our parcels are dispatched from our warehouse in The Netherlands.